FREUDENBERG, GERMANY: Luise Frisch's parents paid a moving homage after their "star" daughter was fatally stabbed by two classmates in an appalling act that rocked Germany. Last weekend in Freudenberg, close to Cologne, Luise, 12, was found dead after going missing during a play date with one of her killers- Luisa Halberstadt, 13, and Anna-Marie Hoffman, 12.
In a memorial for her published in their neighborhood newspaper, they remarked, "There are no words to conceive of the inconceivable. For us the world stands still." They further added, "You can’t see sorrow, you can’t hear it, you can only feel it."
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'You are now a star in heaven'
There is a fresh photo of Luise at the top of the obituary, along with information about her birthday — August 29, 2010 — and death — March 12, 2023. Her parents have left a lit candle outside their house with the message, "You are now a star in heaven."
The victim, Luise, was reportedly stabbed 32 times with a nail file before being shoved down a steep embankment in the surrounding woods, according to police sources. Her twisted killers also placed a plastic bag over her head before the older killer told the younger to "hit her with a stone" or she'd be lying next to her.
'The act itself was terrible'
Investigators have cause to worry that Luise might have been alive when she was thrown down the hill, but that her injuries and the subzero temperatures that struck the area last weekend may have caused her death. An investigating source told The Daily Mail, "The act itself was terrible. Experienced officers who have been involved in many homicide cases have been left shocked by the murder. Not only by the age of the victim but also the age of the suspects - the murder weapon has yet to be found and although initially we thought it may be a knife we now suspect it may be a nail file."
A continuous stream of locals visited the improvised shrine at the brink of the drop on March 18 to pay their respects to Luise. They left flowers and chocolates there. Two kilometers (1.2 miles) from Freudenberg, near the village of Hohenhain, lies an abandoned railway tunnel that goes to the woods. It is believed that Luisa and Anna-Maria led Luise through this tunnel to her death.
It is unclear why Luise was killed; some have speculated that it was a competition over a boy, while others claim that she was targeted because she "snitched" on the bullying she was experiencing. The three girls were described as "best friends" and all three went to Esther-Bejarano Comprehensive School together.